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My inspiration for creating this music stems from my profound admiration for the work Lee and Monika are doing with Kryon, which feels even more vital in today’s global climate. This music—The Kryon Music—is not just needed; it's a heartfelt response to the times we live in.
For over 22 years, I've had the privilege of traveling the world, often alongside Lee Carroll, crafting the musical backdrop for the Kryon channels. To honor the deep teachings I've been part of, I retreated to my studio to meditate and connect with the pure essence of Kryon— just as I have always done on stage.
This process wasn’t about orchestrating a piece; it was about letting Kryon’s original angelic sound flow through me, guiding my hands in the creation of these six pieces.
I channeled these sounds to honor you—the seeker, the Kryon enthusiast—to enhance your spiritual journey, deepen your understanding, and help you connect more profoundly with your innate and the transformative energy of Kryon.

New Release
The Kryon Music
The Kryon Album serves as a portal to connect with Kryon's energy, facilitating the integration of the teachings into one's life. This process unlocks the potential of the higher self, enabling individuals to envision themselves as the "New Human." A key concept in Kryon's teachings is being a Lighthouse—serving as an example for others.
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