For 5 days we will meet the world's leading experts in fields of science and metaphysics in order to reveal the essence of the ongoing changes taking place, to find the right points for applying our spiritual efforts and to manifest, to create a peaceful, kind, unknown but amazing future for all of us.
In addition to the main programme we will hold an additional afternoon series of meetings. Among the guests are both well- known, recognized leaders in their fields, aa well as new ones who are just starting their public journey. We chose them not by popularity, but by the purity of their message and the presence of Spirit within. ✨
Welcome to our circle!
Who is involved?

Robert Coxon
World renowned New Age composer and musician, Qigong master, researcher of the healing power of music.

Monica Muranyi
Former ranger in the national parks of Australia and New Zealand. Kryon researcher, writer, author of a special series of books and maps.

Alexander Menshikov
Psychologist, researcher, mystic. Creator of the project "Revolution of Consciousness".

Lilly Wong
Cosmic channeler, spiritual mentor, light language message. Author of You Are the Omniverse.

Gregg Braden
Best-selling author of The Divine Matrix and pioneering scientist in the field of the relationship between science and spirit.

Annaliese Reid
She has studied and taught personal growth, energetic healing, and sound healing techniques for over 20 years having healed herself of a life-threatening, “incurable” illness, using DNA reprogramming techniques.

Lee Carroll
World famous channeler, the Original Kryon channeler, author of 15 books translated into 24 languages of the world. Several times he was invited to speak at the ONU.

John Stuart Reid
Acoustic engineer, scientist and inventor. Researcher of the influence of frequencies on human cells and on the process of Creation.
Special Guest
Expect amazing guests on daily broadcasts during the conference.
The world is changing rapidly. The inexorable course of events is exposing islands of great imbalance on our Planet. There is a visible struggle with the arriving Light. We see a decisive phase in the confrontation between Old and New Consciousness.
Within this turmoil, the Future is persistently knocking at our door. The heart feels things can no longer remain the same. Ahead are years of qualitative re-organization of the world, of all its spheres, of extreme transformation. And the main evolution must be within our consciousness. And the main evolution must be of our consciousness.
It is now more than ever that we need to hold on to the Light. The world needs to be strengthening, anchoring, manifestation of the New Human the New Planet.
We want to invite you to a unique event. For one week beautiful Masters from all over the world will gather together to create a Mastery of Light, Love and a Birth of the New.

Conference Program
Each day or step was recorded, so you can visualise it.
Step 1
April 12th, 2023
A & R with Special Guest: Annaliese Reid
Step 4
April 15th, 2023
A & R with Special Guest: Gregg Braden
Step 2
April 13th, 2023
A & R with Special Guests: Lee Carroll and Monica Muranyi
Step 5
April 16th, 2023
A & R with Special Guest: John Stuart Reed
Step 3
April 14th, 2023
A & R with Special Guest: Lilly Wong
All meetings will be accompanied by translation into Russian and English.
The Terms of Participation
99 USD
Access to all online meetings
Special daily editions with guests
Access to recordings of all meetings forever
Gifts from participants
Attention! If you are in a difficult life situation and you are not able to pay the full cost of the event, then you can get it at a reduced price. To do this, write to us: info@robertcoxon.com

What is the format of the program?5 Steps to Becoming the New Human will be held online at 12:00 pm New Your time (7:00 pm Moscow time) each day from April 12-16. The 5 modules will each be approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours with hosts Robert and Alexander and their guest(s) of the day. Deep conversations, new spiritual revelations, musical and guided meditations, as well as channeling especially for program guests are waiting for you.
What do I need to watch?You will need a computer or phone with internet access to watch.
Is access limited in time?Once the conference is completed, recordings of all meetings will remain available to you permanently.
🇷🇺🇬🇧 What language will be spoken during the talks?Alexander speaks Russian, and Robert and the guests speak English. Both talks and meditations will be accompanied by consecutive translations from Russian into English and English into Russian. This is a good opportunity to invite your English-speaking friends to join our circle and experience the energy created here.